What is the Gallery?
The catalog of photos is built as an "album" within an "album" following the taxonomic hierarchy of a particular group. Image search is facilitated by the generation of RSS feeds configurable by the user and a subscription service to the aggregation site using "feed readers".
- The gallery is located at: http://filogenetica.org/BriofitasdeMexico/
- A feed configured to aggregate posts of all recent elements in the gallery may be accessed at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BriofitasDeMexico
The versatility of this gallery system is its use it as image handler (upload, display in several sizes, directory structure, etc), as a link to photos on other websites (for example IREKANI), and as a notification service for additions of pictures or links to the catalog.
Who can contribute?
All registered users. The user enters the blog site with any web browser and clicks on the "Register to collaborate " link located at the upper right-hand corner of the entry web page. The "administrator" checks and authorizes your account; the user may then enter the Blogger.com system by clicking on "Add photograph(s) to the Gallery". As a registered user, you will have access to the blog system tools to add and edit "posts".
How to upload photos
or add links?
Photographs are uploaded on-line using your preferred web browser (MS Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc). Registered users login to Blogger.com and post images by clicking on "Add photograph(s) to the Gallery". Detailed instructions can be found here.
Pictures are labeled with author data, taxonomic id, etc. While adding original photos, the software automatically edits three sizes for visualization and generates thumbnails for navigation. Display of the image catalog is by a system of "Album within Album, within Album". The system generates an RSS notification every time an image or a link is added to the site.
Hopefully, this service will facilitate efforts to post on-line pictures of bryophytes in a more coordinated way and will promote collaboration of everyone interested in the bryophytes of Mexico.
Registration of collaborators will remain open indefinitely to all.
We hope to see more photos and links incorporated as time passes.
Best regards.
Who can contribute?
All registered users. The user enters the blog site with any web browser and clicks on the "Register to collaborate " link located at the upper right-hand corner of the entry web page. The "administrator" checks and authorizes your account; the user may then enter the Blogger.com system by clicking on "Add photograph(s) to the Gallery". As a registered user, you will have access to the blog system tools to add and edit "posts".
How to upload photos
or add links?
Pictures are labeled with author data, taxonomic id, etc. While adding original photos, the software automatically edits three sizes for visualization and generates thumbnails for navigation. Display of the image catalog is by a system of "Album within Album, within Album". The system generates an RSS notification every time an image or a link is added to the site.
Hopefully, this service will facilitate efforts to post on-line pictures of bryophytes in a more coordinated way and will promote collaboration of everyone interested in the bryophytes of Mexico.
Registration of collaborators will remain open indefinitely to all.
We hope to see more photos and links incorporated as time passes.
Best regards.
Thanks so much for your encouraging comments!