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La Galeria de las Briofitas de México es un esfuerzo colaborativo para coordinar y promover la disponibilidad en linea de fotografias. La galeria consiste de fotos dentro de álbumes arreglados jerárquicamente.

This is a collaborative effort to coordinate and promote on-line availability of photographs of bryophytes of Mexico. The gallery consists of pictures within albums arranged hierarchically.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Anthoceros sambesianus Steph.

1,a: One chloroplast per cell without a central pyrenoid, proximal face of spore with a central wart in each of the triangular areas ................ > NO! A. tristanianus
1,b: Proximal face of spore without a central wart.....................> 2
2, a:. Dehiscent capsules >10 mm long, distal spore surface with spines forming a differentiated reticulum ....................3 No!
2, b: Dehiscent capsules ≤10 mm long, distal spore surface with spiny tubercles not forming a differentiated reticulum -------> A. sambesianus!

Fotos de las esporas proximamente!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Clave para los Anthoceros de Mexico

La diversidad del genero Anthoceros en México se ha estudiado poco. Recientemente se registraron seis especies. Aqui se reproduce la primera clave para las especies, tal como aparece en la publicación de Ibarra-Morales A, ME Muñiz & S. Valencia. 2015. The Genus Anthoceros (Anthocerotaceae, Anthocerotophyta) in Central Mexico. Phytotaxa 205 (4): 215-228. Preview

Key to the species of Anthoceros in central Mexico

1. One chloroplast per cell without a central pyrenoid, proximal face of spore with a central wart in each of the triangular areas ................ A. tristanianus
- One chloroplast per cell with a central pyrenoid, proximal face of spore without a central wart.........................2

2. Dehiscent capsules >10 mm long, distal spore surface with spines forming a differentiated reticulum ....................3
- Dehiscent capsules ≤10 mm long, distal spore surface with spiny tubercles not forming a differentiated reticulum ......................................................................................................................................... A. sambesianus

3. Proximal spore surface smooth or with scarce verrucae .................................................................. A. lamellatus
- Proximal spore surface not as above ............................................................................................... 4

4. Thalli with dorsal lamellae scarce or absent, proximal spore surface not foveolate ............................ A. hispidus
- Thalli with dorsal lamellae regular to abundant, proximal spore surface foveolate or incompletely foveolate ........ 5

5. Proximal spore surface with subglobose tubercles, distal surface spinose not foveolate ........................ A. scariosus
- Proximal spore surface without subglobose tubercles, distal surface spinose with a foveolate reticulum .... A. punctatus

Gallery administrator: E. De Luna

Agosto 2009